Think Twice Workshop

The official blog of the 2009 Think Twice International Audiovisual Workshop.

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Workshop tasks III. - Location Scouting

2009.11.11. 19:00 | klág | Leave a comment

Teams will visit another disctrict of Budapest. This time however, they must discover this part of the city on their own, with the helping guidance of a Hungarian speaking volunteer. The volunteers are art and film students from Budapest. Participants will get a theme according to which you need to…

Tags: workshop europe tasks think twice

Workshop tasks II. - Exercise In Style

2009.11.11. 18:30 | klág | Leave a comment

This is a complex task, consisting of several phases.First phase: a special thematic sightseeing tour in the 8th disctrict of Budapest, which has a infamous reputation among locals, but in fact is a great source of hidden treasures and interesting people. The tour is organised by our partners,…

Tags: workshop europe tasks think twice

Workshop tasks I. - Casting

2009.11.11. 16:55 | klág | Leave a comment

Here is one of the three tasks the participants of the workshop have to complete during the week.Every team will receive an object on the first day. They will have to use this object at its fullest potential for a week to reate a concept around it with the audiovisual instruments at hand. The object…

Tags: workshop europe tasks think twice

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